Get ahead of the competition, increase your sales and profit

Automatic Repricing

repricing service hero image


With continuous monitoring and automatic calculation of product prices, e-shops achieve maximum profit from their sales while simultaneously maintaining their competitiveness in the market.


Product Data

The Product Data service automates the collection of complete and reliable product information, including titles, features, descriptions, and photos.


Supplier 2 e-shop

The service simplifies the process of integrating products from suppliers into your online store. Using suppliers’ CSV files, the service performs the transfer and categorization of all, or selected products into your e-shop.

The monitoring, calculation and manual updating of product prices is an impractical and non-feasible process.

Let’s assume that we are the owners of an e-shop that includes hundreds or even thousands of products in its catalog.

Additionally, we have registered our e-shop on a marketplace/price comparison engine.

We need our product prices to remain updated and competitive throughout the day.

Now, let’s assume that we have to carry out this process manually.

For each of our products, we would need to check the competition, calculate the new price, and finally update the prices in our own online store manually.

Consider how many people from our business would need to be asigned with this task.

How many other processes will lag behind, and ultimately, is it really feasible to keep prices updated in our online store in a timely and error-free manner throughout the day?

Manual monitoring and updating of prices for all products is impractical and unfeasible, requiring excessive time and resources.

It monitors the prices of the competition.

Either from major price comparison marketplaces in Greece or directly from competitive e-shops.

It informs us about the position of our products in relation to competitors.

For example, our Product X is currently the cheapest on a well-known price comparison site.

It dynamically and intelligently calculates the prices of our products

Taking into account the prices of our competitors, as well as the pricing criteria that we define. This means that we are not engaged in a price war. Our prices are adjusted either downwards or upwards. Example senario: It may calculate our prices to be either 1 cent cheaper than the top competitor or 5% more expensive if we have the product available while others do not, with a minimum price that could be our supplier's price plus a 20%. Additionally, it may ignore Store X if it lacks positive reviews etc. The prices per product are dynamically calculated, taking into account these and other criteria.

It updates our online store with the new prices.

It performs repricing.

ApoMechanis fully automates this process.

Invest time in your business, leave Repricing to us.